Apr 18 / Matt Rebeiro

10 Questions Every Founder Should Ask Themselves

💡10 Questions Every Founder Should Ask Themselves.

Problem - solution FIT is a common challenge with many startups.

Why is FIT emphasized?

1) Does the solution you have it mind nicely fit (solve) the problem? 

(In other words, how well does it address a pain point for your target client.)

2) What problem are you aiming to solve and for who?

3) How does the solution you have in mind solve your future client’s problem?

4) To what degree does it solve your future client’s problem?

5) Has any other company already solved this problem?

6) If yes, to what degree? Half-solved it? Completely solved it?

7) How does your product match what’s in the market in terms of capability?

8) How will your product differ from what’s already in (or coming) to the market?

9) Is your solution scalable / can it be scaled?

10) What is the size of the market?

(In other words, how many people & businesses could potentially be your clients & how much potential revenue does that represent?)

This list of questions is by no means exhaustive.

Hopefully, if you have not considered some of these questions, you will now.

Matt Rebeiro, The Tribrid Advisor™
You can follow me on LinkedIn for more insights on:
[T]echnology, [O]perations & [P]roduct

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