We all start and end with …
The same amount of ___.
Where did your mind go?
What was the first thing you thought of?
What I had in mind was …
It is your most valuable asset.
We are all dealt the same amount for a day.
What you choose to do with it
(or not do) with it is up to you.
- Building a new SaaS product?
- Adding a new product feature to one?
- Or simply looking to spend more quality time with those you care about?
Whatever the answer … are you getting the most out of your 24 hours?
If you aren’t, then perhaps consider WHO can help you and with WHAT.
Focus on what you do best and transfer the rest to others who have the skills and experience you need.
Who is part of your advisory team?
Who is your coach?
Who is your mentor?
We all need AT LEAST 1 person to help us with maximize what we get with our 24 HOURS.
Who’s helping you?