Apr 18 / Matt Rebeiro

Should You Start a Company With The Intention to Sell it?

Should You Start A Company With The Intention To Sell It?


These 3 letters generate a lot of enthusiasm & excitement & for good reason (as does "acquisition” & exits").

When you build something from day 1 with the intention of selling it, then you MAY not build it the same way as someone intending to keep it and grow it.

Because …

When you are passionate about solving a problem …

Your passion will oftentimes be infused into the quality of your product.

When your passion is about your product primarily … the profit more easily follows.

When your focus is about profit primarily, it can be more difficult to create a quality product.

Follow your passion.

Lead with your passion.

Build something driven by your passion.

Matt Rebeiro, The Tribrid Advisor™
You can follow me on LinkedIn for more insights on:
[T]echnology, [O]perations & [P]roduct

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