Jun 28 / Matt Rebeiro

1 Simple Change for Founders to Improve Customer Retention

How This Simple Change Can Double Your Customer Retention

So, what if there’s one simple change you can make today that could double your customer retention?

Yes, double! Keep reading!

Alright, here’s the not-so-secret secret: 

Making your customers feel special, like they’re the only ones in the room.

Sounds simple, right? But you’d be surprised how many SaaS companies miss this mark.

Why Personalization Works

Imagine you walk into your favorite coffee shop. The barista sees you and starts making your usual before you even order. 

Feels great, doesn’t it?

Now, think about your SaaS product. 
Do your customers feel that same warmth and recognition when they log in?

Here’s the scoop:
Personalized experiences make customers feel valued. And when people feel valued, they stick around. 

The place to start with personalization is customer onboarding. 

1. Welcome Messages: Send a personalized welcome email. Use their name and mention how excited you are to have them on board.

2. Guided Tours: Create interactive tutorials that adapt to the user’s needs. If they’re a marketer, show them marketing features. If they’re in sales, focus on sales tools.

3. Check-Ins: Set up automated, yet personalized check-ins. Ask how they’re doing with the software and if they need any help.

Personalized emails and in-app messages that guided users based on their specific goals. It made their users feel understood and supported right from the start.

"How do I pull this off?”

- Intercom : Great for personalized messaging and customer support.
- HubSpot : For personalized email campaigns.
- Pendo.io : Perfect for personalized product tours and in-app guidance.

Personalization shouldn’t stop after onboarding. Keep it going throughout the customer’s journey:

1. Behavioral Emails: 
Send emails based on user actions. If they haven’t logged in for a while, send a friendly nudge.

2. Customized Dashboards: 
Allow users to customize their dashboards to see what’s most relevant to them.

3. Feedback Loops: Regularly ask for feedback and show that you’re acting on it. It shows you care about their experience.

Here’s a fun fact: 

68% of customers leave because they feel a company is indifferent to them. Ouch! 

But it’s an easy fix. Listen to your customers. 

Use surveys, feedback forms, and direct conversations. 

Show them you value their opinions and are committed to making improvements based on their feedback.

Personalization, starting with onboarding, is one of the best ways to start doubling customer retention. 

It’s not rocket science, but it does take a bit of effort and the right tools.

Remember, when customers feel valued and understood, they stick around. 

And in the SaaS world, retention is everything.

Got any tips or experiences with personalization? 


Matt Rebeiro, The Startup Advisor

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